Canadian Pollination Initiative
The Canadian Pollination Initiative (NSERC-CANPOLIN) is launching a new initiative to bring together researchers and industry partners working in the area of Pollination and Land Restoration at a face-to-face workshop in late...
PhD student in Ecology at Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
The effects of agricultural intensification on food-web interactions and biological pest controlThis PhD-study aims to investigate how agricultural intensification affects food-web interactions and biological contro...
UNEP/GEF-Funded Global Pollination Project
This global project has been set up to address a decline in pollinators and pollination services that is expected to affect food production and human livelihoods in many parts of the world. It involves 7 countries - Braz...
Vacancy for a Postdoctoral researcher with expertise in Landscape
A two (2) year postdoctoral position is available to join a group of researchers working within the project : "Simulating species and unctional group responses to climate change, based on the mechanistic modelling of habitat ...
Article alert: Rareness and specialization in plant-pollinator networks
Ecology. 2011 Jan;92(1):19-25
Dorado J, Vázquez DP, Stevani EL, Chacoff NP.Most rare species appear to be specialists in plant-pollinator networks. This observation could result either from real ecologi...
A position paper on STEP recently published
Potts S.G., Biesmeijer J.C., Bommarco R., Felicioli A., Fischer M., Jokinen P., Kleijn D., Klein A-M., Kunin W.E., Neumann P., Penev L.D., Petanidou T., Rasmont P., Roberts S.P.M., Smith H.G., Sorensen P.B., Steffan-Dewent...
NSERC-CANPOLIN Canadian Pollination Initiative
NSERC-CANPOLIN is a five-year NSERC Strategic Network that will address the growing problem of pollinator decline in agricultural and natural ecosystems in Canada. Researchers at 26 universities across the country are working...
Student Conference on Conservation Science-New York
12-14 October 2011Center for Biodiversity and Conservation at the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH) in New York CityThe Student Conference on Conservation Science-New York (SCCS-NY) provides a unique ...
Climate Change Impact Scientist (Bangor, Wales, UK)
The Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (CEH), part of the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), is the UK’s Centre of Excellence for research in the terrestrial and freshwater environmental sciences.
An environmental sc...
Article alert: Consequences of climate change on the tree of life in Europe
Nature 470, 531–534 (24 February 2011) doi:10.1038/nature09705Wilfried Thuiller, Sébastien Lavergne, Cristina Roquet, Isabelle Boulangeat, Bruno Lafourcade & Miguel. B. AraujoMany species are projected t...
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