Job alert: Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Integrated Crop Pollination (University of Florida)
Honey Bee Research and Extension Laboratory (Department of Entomology & Nematology, University of Florida) seeks to appoint a highly motivated Postdoctoral Researcher to coordinate the development and delivery of context-spec...
Event alert: Caribbean Bee College (Jan 3-5, 2013)
The first ever Caribbean Bee College will be offered at St. George’s University School of Veterinary Medicine True Blue Campus in Grenada, West Indies. They preparing to offer a 3-day honey bee extension event tha...
Job alert: Post-doctoral Researcher, Modeling Crop Pollination Services Gund Institute (University of Vermont)
The Gund Institute for Ecological Economics seeks a postdoctoral researcher to develop rigorous and practical models that predict crop pollination services across agricultural landscapes. The position is part of a new collabo...
Decline of bees forces China's apple farmers to pollinate by hand
The decline of wild bees in China threatens more than just its apple and pear harvests, says pollination expert Dave Goulson.In the last 50 years, the global human population has nearly doubled, while the averag...
Article alert: Effects of selenium accumulation on phytotoxicity, herbivory, and pollination ecology in radish (Raphanus sativus L.)
Environmental Pollution (2012) 172: 70–75. doi: 10.1016/j.envpol.2012.08.009Hladun KR, Parker DR, Tran KD, Trumble JTSelenium (Se) has contaminated areas in the western USA where pollination is critical to th...
Job alert: PhD position in “Biodiversity and cosystem Services of Large Mammals” (Frankfurt, Germany)
The Institute for Ecology, Evolution and Diversity of the Goethe University Frankfurt and the Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre Frankfurt, working group Prof. Katrin Böhning-Gaese, invites applications for a Ph...
Call for the set up of a working group on “Coexposure of honeybees to stress factors” in ANSES
ANSES is issuing a call for applications from scientific experts in order to set up a working group (WG) on \"coexposure of honeybees to stress factors\" (Anses self-mandate of 13/7/2012).
A number of studies have been carri...
Article alert: Asymptomatic presence of Nosema spp. in Spanish commercial apiaries
Journal of Invertebrate Pathology (2012) 111(2): 106–110. doi: 10.1016/j.jip.2012.06.008Fernández JM, Puerta F, Cousinou M, Dios-Palomares R, Campano F, Redondo LNosemosis is caused by intracellular par...
Article alert: Displacement of a native by an alien bumblebee: lower pollinator efficiency overcome by overwhelmingly higher visitation frequency
Oecologia (2008) 156(4): 835-45. doi: 10.1007/s00442-008-1039-5Madjidian JA, Morales CL, Smith HGiological invasions might constitute a major threat to mutualisms. Introduced pollinators might competitively d...
Event alert: The Workshop of the WG3: Honey bee nutrition
October 22-23 2012, Bled (Slovenia)Our knowledge about honey bee nutrition and the importance of nutritional and management aspects in beekeeping concerning colonies survival and production is often underestimat...
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