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Functional Extinctions of Bird Pollinators Cause Plant Declines
Science 331, 1019 (2011)Cagan H. SekerciogluThe world's approximately 10,000 bird species are key “mobile links” in most major ecosystems, from tropical rainforests to the depths of the Antarctic Ocean. Birds...

Cascading Effects of Bird Functional Extinction Reduce Pollination and Plant Density
Science 25 February 2011: Vol. 331 no. 6020 pp. 1068-1071Anderson SH, Kelly D, Ladley JJ, Molloy S, and Terry JReductions in bird numbers could hamper ecosystem services such as pollination, but experimental ...

PhD position "Biodiversity responses to environmental change in the Netherlandsat" (Leiden, Netherlands)
Netherlands Centre for Biodiversity (NCB) Naturalis (Leiden, Netherlands) seeks highly qualified and motivated candidates who will be working on project "Biodiversity responses to environmental change in the Netherlandsat". T...

Postgraduate scholarship "Mitigating decline of wild plant pollination in agricultural landscapes"
This PhD project is part of a multidisciplinary research program that will investigate ways agri-environmental measures may best be used to preserve wild plant pollination in agricultural landscapes. Pollinators have faced se...

Article alert: Increased relative abundance of an invasive competitor for pollination, Lythrum salicaria, reduces seed number in Mimulus ringens
Oecologia. 2010 Oct;164(2):445-54Flanagan RJ, Mitchell RJ, Karron JD.When exotic plant species share pollinators with native species, competition for pollination may lower the reproductive success of natives ...

Article alert: Flowering phenology, fruiting success and progressive deterioration of pollination in an early-flowering geophyte
Thomson JD.Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. 2010 Oct 12;365(1555):3187-99Spatio-temporal patterns of snowmelt and flowering times affect fruiting success in Erythronium grandiflorum Pursh (Liliaceae) in su...

11th Annual North American Pollinator Protection Campaign (NAPPC) International Conference
25-27 October 2011 Place: Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC, United States Attending a NAPPC Conference is one of the most active and engaging ways to put your muscle behind an issue that is a cornersto...

Article alert: Geo-Wiki.Org: The Use of Crowdsourcing to Improve Global Land Cover
Remote Sens. 2009, 1(3), 345-354 Fritz S, McCallum I, Schill C, Perger C, Grillmayer R, Achard F, Kraxner F, Obersteiner M Global land cover is one of the essential terrestrial baseline datasets available f...

Article alert: Conservation genetics of Neotropical pollinators revisited: microsatellite analysis suggests that diploid males are rare in orchid bees
Evolution 64(11): 3318-3326 Souza R, Del Lama MA, Cervini M, Mortari N, Eltz T, Zimmerman Y, Bach C, Brosi BJ, Suni S, Quezada-Euán JJG, Paxton RJAllozyme analyses have suggested that Neotropical orchid ...

Pollinators (National Geographic Magazine)
National Geographic Magazine, March 2011 By Jennifer S. HollandThey are the Earth’s pollinators. And they come in more than 200,000 shapes and sizes. Link to article: http://ngm.nationalgeographic.com/20...

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