Article alert: Ongoing global biodiversity loss and the need to move beyond protected areas: a review of the technical and practical shortcomings of protected areas on land...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 434: 251 DOI: 10.3354/meps09214
C Mora, PF SaleA leading strategy in international efforts to reverse ongoing losses in biodiversity is the use of protected areas. We use a broad rang...
Bee Basics: An Introduction to Our Native Bees
By Beatriz Moisset and Stephen Buchmann
The Pollinator Partnership and USDA Forest Service have put together a beautiful and very interesting little booklet called Bee Basics: An Introduction to Our Native B...
Research Scientist (UFZ, Germany)
The Department of Conservation Biology (The Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ) is offering a half-time position for a research scientis , within the EU-funded project Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services: Ar...
Article alert: CYP9Q-mediated detoxification of acaricides in the honey bee (Apis mellifera)
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) , doi: 10.1073/pnas.1109535108W. Mao, M.A. Schuler and M.R. BerenbauAlthough Apis mellifera, the western honey bee, has long encountered pesticides w...
Article alert: Effects of Invasive Parasites on Bumble Bee Declines
Conserv Biol. 2011 25(4):662-671.
doi: 10.1111/j.1523-1739.2011.01707.x.Meeus I, Brown MJ, DE Graaf DC, Smagghe G.Bumble bees are a group of pollinators that are both ecologically and economically important and...
Article alert: Linné’s floral clock is slow without pollinators – flower closure and plant-pollinator interaction webs
Ecology Letters 2011 Jul 14. doi: 10.1111/j.1461-0248.2011.01654.x.
Fründ J, Dormann CF, Tscharntke T.Temporal patterns of flower opening and closure within a day are known as Linné’s floral clock. Time o...
Article alert: Cross-species infection of deformed wing virus poses a new threat to pollinator conservation.
Journal of Economic Entomology, 104(3): 732-739(8)
Li J, Peng W, Wu J, Strange JP, Boncristiani H, Chen Y.
The Deformed wing virus (family Iflaviridae, genus Iflavirus, DWV), one of the most prevalent and common vi...
3rd European Congress of Conservation Biology
The 3rd European Congress of Conservation Biology will be held in Glasgow, Scotland, from 28 August to 1 September 2012, and is organised by the Society for Conservation Biology (Europe Section) and the University of Cumbria'...
How will biodiversity loss compromise Earth's life support systems?
Science for Environment Policy, Issue 248Scientists have evaluated two decades of research into declining biodiversity and concluded unequivocally that loss of species richness leads to a reduction in how well ecosystems f...
Postdoc in Conservation Biology (Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research, Germany)
The Department of Conservation Biology, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) is offering a full-time position for a postdoc focussing on:Understanding the interrelationship between connectivity and populati...
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