Ecological Modeling for Pesticide Risk Assessment for Honey Bees and Other Pollinators
Pesticide Risk Assessment for Pollinators (Eds D. Fischer and T. Moriarty), John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, NJ, USA. doi: 10.1002/9781118852408.ch11Grimm V, Becher MA, Kennedy P, Thorbek P, OsborneCurrent p...
Role of pesticides in bee decline: scientists call for evidence-driven debate
An international panel of scientists is today calling for an evidence-driven debate over whether a widely used type of insecticide is to blame for declines in bees and other insect pollinators.
An EU ban on certain neonico...
Early-flowering crops may increase bumblebee numbers for late-flowering crops: STEP research makes it into the latest Science for Environment Policy
The value of insect pollinators cannot be underestimated. They are essential for the production of many crops and help improve yields and quality. However, there is a worrying decline in the numbers of pollinators and it is ...
Early-flowering crops may increase bumblebee numbers for late-flowering crops
Science for Environment Policy Issue 373Planting early-flowering crops, such as oilseed rape, boosts the numbers of bumblebees available to pollinate late-flowering crops, such as sunflowers, according to recent...
Job alert: Technical Support Officer to the IPBES Work Programme Thematic Assessment on Pollination
The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is the United Nations systems designated entity for addressing environmental issues at the global and regional level. Its mandate is to coordinate the development of environment...
Article alert: Variation in gut microbial communities and its association with pathogen infection in wild bumble bees (Bombus)
The ISME Journal(2014). doi: 10.1038/ismej.2014.68Cariveau DP, Powell JE, Koch H, Winfree R, Moran NABacterial gut symbiont communities are critical for the health of many insect species. However, little is k...
Article alert: Landscape fragmentation and pollinator movement within agricultural environments: a modelling framework for exploring foraging and movement ecology
PeerJ (2014) 2: e269. doi: 10.7717/peerj.269Rands SAPollinator decline has been linked to landscape change, through both habitat fragmentation and the loss of habitat suitable for the pollinators to live with...
Article alert: Sub-lethal exposure to neonicotinoids impaired honey bees winterization before proceeding to colony collapse disorder
Bulletin of Insectology (2014) 67(1): 125-130LU C, WARCHOL KM, CALLAHAN RAHoney bee (Apis mellifera L.) colony collapse disorder (CCD) that appeared in 2005/2006 still lingers in many parts of the worl...
Article alert: The Bacterial Communities Associated with Honey Bee (Apis mellifera) Foragers
PLoS ONE (2014) 9(4): e95056. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0095056Corby-Harris V, Maes P, Anderson KEThe honey bee is a key pollinator species in decline worldwide. As part of a commercial operation, bee colonie...
Article alert: Risk to Pollinators from the Use of Chlorpyrifos in the United States
Ecological Risk Assessment for Chlorpyrifos in Terrestrial and Aquatic Systems in the United States // Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology Volume 231, 2014, pp 219-265,G. Christopher Cutler, Jo...
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