Article alert: Three QTL in the honey bee Apis mellifera L. suppress reproduction of the parasitic mite Varroa destructor
Ecol Evol. (2011) 1(4): 451–458.
doi: 10.1002/ece3.17Behrens D, Huang Q, Geßner C, Rosenkranz P, Frey E, Locke B, Moritz RF, Kraus FB.Varroa destructor is a highly virulent ectoparasitic mite of ...
Summer School: Next Generation Data Management in Movement Ecology
Leibniz-Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research (IZW), 3-7 September 2012During the recent years new tracking technologies have become available to wildlife researchers and managers, allowing data capture from a...
News alert: Assessment of the Environmental Exposure of Honeybees to Particulate Matter Containing Neonicotinoid Insecticides Coming from Corn Coated Seeds
Environ. Sci. Technol. (2012) 46(5): 2592–2599.
DOI: 10.1021/es2035152Tapparo A, Marton D, Giorio C, Zanella A, Soldà L, Marzaro M, Vivan L, Girolami VSince seed coating with neonicotinoid insecticides...
Article alert: Molecular and spatial analyses reveal links between colony-specific foraging distance and landscape-level resource availability in two bumblebee species
Oikos (2012) 121: 734–742. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0706.2011.19832.xCarvell C, Jordan WC, Bourke AFG, Pickles R, Redhead JW, Heard MSForaging distance is a key determinant of colony survival and pollination poten...
Exciting new book to facilitate worldwide honey bee research
The honey bee is probably the most well studied insect in the world, yet despite this, much remains unknown. Recent concern about worldwide colony losses has drawn sharp attention to significant gaps in our knowledge.
Since ...
Bee health: How European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) is helping to protect our pollinators
EFSA is liaising with the European Commission as well as the French Health and Safety Agency (Anses) following the publication of two new scientific studies in the journal Science which suggest that pesticides – specifically ...
Article alert: Reciprocal gender effects of a keystone alpine plant species on other plants, pollinators, and arthropods
Botany (2012) 90: 273–282. doi: 10.1139/B11-112Christopher J. Lortie, Anya M. ReidThe term facilitation generally describes positive interactions between plants, and a common approach in these studies is to i...
Article alert: Impact of landscape alteration and invasions on pollinators: a meta-analysis
Journal of Ecology. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2745.2012.01968.xMontero-Castaño, A. and Vilà, M. Alterations in land use and biological invasions are two major components of global change that threat...
Wild Pollinators of Eastern Apple Orchards and how to conserve them
Learn to identify wild pollinators, how to provide them with food and habitat, and avoid pesticides that are toxic to them.
There is no doubt that insect pollination is a vital service for agricultural systems. Without insec...
Article alert: Insecticide Residues in Pollen and Nectar of a Cucurbit Crop and Their Potential Exposure to Pollinators
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (2012) DOI: 10.1021/jf205393xGalen P. Dively, Alaa KamelNeonicotinoids are systemic insecticides widely used on many pollinated agricultural crops, and increasing ev...
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