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Article alert: The future of plant–pollinator diversity: Understanding interaction networks across time, space, and global change
American Journal of Botany (2011) 98(3): 528-538. doi: 10.3732/ajb.1000391Burkle LA, Alarcón RStructural analysis of plant–pollinator networks has revealed remarkably high species and interaction divers...

Article alert: Do pathogen spillover, pesticide use, or habitat loss explain recent North American bumblebee declines?
Conservation Letters (2012) doi: 10.1111/j.1755-263X.2012.00234.xSzabo, N. D., Colla, S. R., Wagner, D. L., Gall, L. F. and Kerr, J. T.Several North American bumblebee species have recently undergone dramatic...

Article alert: Insect Pollinated Crops, Insect Pollinators and US Agriculture: Trend Analysis of Aggregate Data for the Period 1992–2009
PLoS ONE 7(5): e37235. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0037235Calderone NWIn the US, the cultivated area (hectares) and production (tonnes) of crops that require or benefit from insect pollination (directly dependen...

Job alert: Lab positions at UC Barkeley
One permanent lab manager position and one temporary research assistant positions working on pollination services in agroecosystems are available in the Kremen lab at UC Berkeley. The permanent lab manager will start as soon...

Job Alert: Pollinator Biologist – Wild Population Monitoring
Wildlife Preservation Canada is seeking one Biologist to assist the Pollinator Project Leader with survey efforts and monitoring of wild populations of the Rusty-patched Bumblebee in southern Ontario. The Rusty-patched Bumble...

Hive and Seek: Domestic Honeybees Keep Disappearing, but Are Their Wild Cousins in Trouble, Too?
Scientific American by Sarah FechtIs colony collapse disorder just the visible part of a "global pollinator crisis"? The answer is surprisingly murky. To help answer the question, scientists have created an inex...

Pollination & Land Rehabilitation Workshop (Columbus, Ohio)
29-30.9.2012 The Canadian Pollination Initiative (NSERC-CANPOLIN) is organizing a 2-day workshop on Pollination and Land Rehabiliation. The workshop will bring together pollination biologists, restoration ecolog...

Article alert: Parasite-insecticide interactions: a case study of Nosema ceranae and fipronil synergy on honeybee
Scientific Reports 2, Article number: 326 doi:10.1038/srep00326Aufauvre J et al.In ecosystems, a variety of biological, chemical and physical stressors may act in combination to induce illness in populations ...

Event alert: Apimondia Symposium 2012 (Québec, Canada)
16-18 October 2012Held for the first time in Québec city, Apimondia Symposium 2012 is an international event who will allow you to update your knowledge on honey bee queen breeding and pathology. The program pr...

Article alert: Changes in nectar supply: A possible cause of widespread butterfly decline
Current Zoology (2012) 58(3): 384-391.Ichiel F. Wallisdevries, Chris A.M. Van Swaay, Calijn L. PlateRecent studies have documented declining trends of various groups of flower-visiting insects, even common bu...

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