STEP actively involved in IPBES fast-track thematic assessment of pollinators
An international push to protect global biodiversity organized by the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES)will take centre stage in Bonn, Germany. As part of its first scientific meeting, ...
USGS BISON Online Mapping Application Adds USGS Native Bee Species Occurrence Data
The USGS Biodiversity Information Serving Our Nation (BISON – http://bison.usgs.ornl.gov/) online mapping application has added just over two hundred thousand species occurrence records for keystone pollinators–native bees. T...
Which seeds to sow for bees?
Science for Environment Policy (2014) Issue 376Farmers could help to maintain populations of bees and other pollinators by sowing inexpensive seed mixes on their land, a new study suggests. Researchers surveyed ...
Article alert: Parasites and genetic diversity in an invasive bumblebee
Journal of Animal Ecology (2014) doi: 10.1111/1365-2656.12235Jones, CM, Brown, MJFBiological invasions are facilitated by the global transportation of species and climate change. Given that invasions may caus...
Article alert: Bee Species Diversity Enhances Productivity and Stability in a Perennial Crop
PLoS ONE (2014) 9(5): e97307. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0097307Rogers SR, Tarpy DR, Burrack HJWild bees provide important pollination services to agroecoystems, but the mechanisms which underlie their contrib...
Event alert: XII International Symposium Hazards of Pesticides to Bees
GHENT, BELGIUMSeptember 15-17, 2014The guiding theme of the 12th International Symposium Hazards of Pesticides to Bees is "Hazards of pesticides to bees".
1. Brood tests
2. Semi-field and field tests
3. ...
Job alert: Postdoc Position in Ecology
“Pollination, Biocontrol and Biodiversity in a Landscape Context”
The relative importance of local vs. regional determinants of biodiversity and multitrophic interactions including pollination and biological control is still little explored. Testing major hypotheses may build upon the exper...
Spider venom may save the bees
By thesundaily.myVenom from one of the world's most poisonous spiders may help save the world's honeybees, providing a biopesticide that kills pests but spares the precious pollinators, a study said Wednesday.
Preserving the pollinators to protect human health
Published by newsroom (European Commission/Horizon 2020)
on Friday, 17/01/2014It is a quiet, modest process which rarely grabs the headlines, but the pollination of plants, trees and crops is a function which i...
Article alert: Pollinators visit related plant species across 29 plant–pollinator networks
Ecology and Evolution (2014) doi: 10.1002/ece3.1051Vamosi et al.Understanding the evolution of specialization in host plant use by pollinators is often complicated by variability in the ecological context of ...
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