The project will address honeybee population dynamics and decline in Europe. It will be based on modelling the dynamics of honeybees colonies within the hive, foraging in dynamic landscapes, and interactions between different colonies. The focus will be on various stressors like mites, pathogens, and changes in land use and beekeeping practices. An existing model developed at Rothamsted Research, UK, will be used to systematically explore the resilience mechanisms of honeybee colonies and populations and at what stress level these mechanisms break down, leading to the decline and loss of colonies that has been observed in Europe and North America. Based on the results of these analyses, own models will be developed to address more specific and further questions. Pollination service delivered by honeybees, and its reliability, will be an important aspect of the project.Closing date for application: 25th June 2012. For further information please see the link below.
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